Discover how a “toxic” freelance mindset may be destroying your business and repelling your dream clients. I’ll also share a specific example about how I overcame this mindset in my own business recently.
I’ve got an outstanding invoice with a client worth more than $10,000.
It’s already a few weeks past due.
But you might be surprised by what I’m doing about it…
See, I’ve noticed a lot of posts online that imply — or outright exclaim — that freelancers and clients are adversaries.
They say you should try to extract as much out of your clients as you can…
While giving up as little as possible in return.
And at even the smallest sign of trouble, they encourage you to “set boundaries” by making threats to enforce the contract or end the project.
But usually the freelancers complaining about their clients like this on Facebook and Reddit are inexperienced. (And frankly, a little entitled.)
And I can’t help but wonder if the reason these freelancers are having such a hard time getting along with their clients is because they have this “toxic” adversarial mindset.
In other words, their “advice” is actually what’s causing their problems. Not fixing them.
Now I’m not saying you should let your clients walk all over you.
It’s important to have clear and professional boundaries.
And to enforce them when necessary.
But The Real Pros I Know Look At Their Clients As Partners — Not Adversaries
When a problem comes up — and problems will always come up eventually — the pro is calm and reasonable.
They give their clients at least a little flexibility and understanding — even if they just started working together.
And for great clients who have been strong, long-term partners, they will offer a lot of flexibility.
Which is how I’m treating the client who is a few weeks late on their invoice.
First, I’ve worked with this client before. And he’s been a great collaborator.
Plus he has also been communicating with me the whole time about the banking issue that is holding up the payment.
The fact that they’re keeping me in the loop shows respect.
He didn’t just ghost me. (Especially since we’ve got a bunch more work planned together.)
So for now, I’m not worried.
And I’m giving them the time they need to sort out the problem.
Because No Matter What, There’s No Reason To Get Hostile With Your Clients
Even if you need to exit the relationship, it’s in your best interest to do it as gracefully as possible.
Since you don’t want to gain a reputation for being difficult to work with.
Plus, if you can find a way to smooth things over, it will allow you to save not just this project — but also future projects with this client.
And that could be worth a lot of money for you.
So never lose your cool.
Always treat your clients with patience and respect…
Just like a pro would.
Now Let Me Show You How To Make Freelance Clients Come To You — Like Clockwork — Using A Simple, 30-Second Conversation…
All the details are inside my free business blueprint 30-Second Referrals.
With this free PDF, you’ll discover how to use a simple, 30-second conversation to get two referrals from every single client you sign. (I’ll even show you exactly what to say during this conversation with my word-for-word script on page 13.)
That way, you can make clients come to you like clockwork. And you can fill your pipeline with more new business than you can handle.
But there is a small catch…
30-Second Referrals is only available to members The Freelance Like A Pro email list.
So enter your best real email below to join us and claim your free copy of 30-Second Referrals now. (And you’ll get my members-only emails to help you run a more profitable and stress-free freelance business, too.)
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Thanks for the freelancing guide and the emails that you've been sending out — the 30-second referral method is so stupidly simple, that it's genius!
Connor Inch, Freelance Copywriter