Discover how a simple freelance travel “hack” can help you (legally) save thousands of dollars a year on your tax bill.
Everyone knows that ALL the best sales copy starts with a legal disclaimer.
So let me remind you that I’m not an accountant or financial professional. And this is not tax or financial advice.
It’s for informational purposes only.
Because last week, I was out in NYC at the launch party for my friends Kelly and Juliet’s new book.
(It’s called Built To Move. It points out 10 simple, daily “movement vital signs” that everyone should keep in mind if they want to live a long, healthy, active, and pain-free life. Definitely recommend you grab a copy — and that’s not an affiliate link.)
At the party, I started chatting with a few other freelancers. We were all sharing some of our best tips and tricks. And I thought one of them was worth sharing with you today…
It’s a freelance “travel tax hack” that could help keep thousands of dollars in your pocket — instead of having to hand them over to Uncle Sam. (Or whoever the “mascot” is for your own country’s government if you don’t live in the U.S.)
See, at least in the U.S., any time you travel for work, you can deduct those costs as travel expenses for your business.

Plus You Can “Hack” This Rule To Help You Save Even More On Your Taxes
Here’s an example.
In a few weeks, my aunt, uncle, and cousins are running the London Marathon. So we decided to make a family trip out of it. And a bunch of us will be going to the U.K. for roughly 10 days of vacation.
Now on the surface, there is no business case for this trip. So I would not be able to write off any of the expenses.
But the question is…can I create a business case for this trip?
It turns out the answer is yes.
See, I have two clients who are based in the U.K. And I’ve never met them in person.
So I’m going to try to connect with each of them while I’m over there.
And if I meet with each client on separate days, both of those days become a “work” day.
And for each “work day” of the trip, I can deduct that night’s stay at the hotel. Along with all my meals for the day.
Since I can now say there was a legitimate business case for that day of the trip — specifically, meeting with an active client.
Best of all, as long as I have at least one “work day” on the trip, I can deduct the round trip airfare, too.
Since I can say that I needed to take those flights to accomplish the legitimate business case for meeting with my clients.
It doesn’t matter if my itinerary also includes personal days before and after the “work day.”
And if you add up two nights at a hotel…two days of meals…plus round-trip airfare to London, this travel tax hack will allow me to write off well over a thousand dollars — from this trip alone.
So From Now On, Whenever You Travel, Look For Ways To Add At Least One Legitimate “Work Day” To Your Itinerary
It could be meeting with clients. It could be doing research by going somewhere that is relevant to your profession. It could even be getting coffee with a colleague — who also happens to be your friend.
Because as soon as you do, your hotel and meals for that day can be deducted. Along with your round-trip airfare.
And that will save you a ton of money.
Now Let Me Show You How To Make Freelance Clients Come To You — Like Clockwork — Using A Simple, 30-Second Conversation…
All the details are inside my free business blueprint 30-Second Referrals.
With this free PDF, you’ll discover how to use a simple, 30-second conversation to get two referrals from every single client you sign. (I’ll even show you exactly what to say during this conversation with my word-for-word script on page 13.)
That way, you can make clients come to you like clockwork. And you can fill your pipeline with more new business than you can handle.
But there is a small catch…
30-Second Referrals is only available to members The Freelance Like A Pro email list.
So enter your best real email below to join us and claim your free copy of 30-Second Referrals now. (And you’ll get my members-only emails to help you run a more profitable and stress-free freelance business, too.)
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Thanks for the freelancing guide and the emails that you've been sending out — the 30-second referral method is so stupidly simple, that it's genius!
Connor Inch, Freelance Copywriter