A few weeks ago, I shared a new freelance proposal strategy I’ve been testing. And using this new strategy, I was able to land my first $20,000 project.
So today, I want to show you the exact email I sent using this new strategy. And how it helped me close my first multiple-five-figure project.
But first, in case you missed the painful (but profitable) story about how I discovered this strategy…
The freelance proposal strategy I’ve been testing is called “bundling.”
Here’s how it works…
In your proposal, you offer your potential client at least two options.
The first option is the “main” deliverable for the project.
That could be copy for a sales letter, a website SEO audit, or a brand style guide.
But then you add at least one other option to the proposal that includes extra deliverables.
So if the main deliverable is copy for a sales letter, I would create a second option in the proposal. And that option would include extra copy for Facebook ads to promote the sales letter.
The Facebook ads help the client get traffic to the sales letter. So they add value to the project.
But after I’ve done all the work to write the sales letter, I can also come up with the ads much faster than it would take me to do them from scratch.
So they are also more profitable for me.
These extra deliverables must make the project more valuable for the client, though.
This strategy won’t work if you add a bunch of unnecessary junk to the proposal for no reason.
But you also want the extra deliverables to be more profitable for you.
Because that’s how you make more money from each client you sign.
So here’s a picture of the exact proposal email I sent that used “bundling” to close my first $20K project.
Note that the first option offers the client a sales letter for $17,500.
While the second option offers the client a sales letter plus a number of other assets for $20,000.

With all the extra value in the $20,000 bundle, that option was most appealing to the client. So they were happy to make the additional investment.
And for me, I earn an extra $2,500 with the bundle option. But I can fulfill the extra deliverables in a fraction of the time it would take me otherwise.
Which is why the “bundle” is also more profitable for me.
And now you have a more concrete example for how you can use bundling to grow your own freelance business, too.
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Thanks for the freelancing guide and the emails that you've been sending out — the 30-second referral method is so stupidly simple, that it's genius!
Connor Inch, Freelance Copywriter