Want to sign more clients? Then I suggest you follow what I call the “One-Two Punch” method. Especially if you’re just starting out…
But even if you’re an experienced freelancer, make sure you keep reading.
Because I will also share advanced tweaks you can make to this technique so it becomes even more effective.
Plus I will reveal four essential elements that must be in place before a client will sign with you — which apply to freelancers of all skill levels.
But first, here’s how the One-Two Punch method works. And why I recommend it for most freelancers — especially beginners…
With The One-Two Punch Method, You Take Your Prospects Through Your Sales Process Over Two Phone Calls
During the first call, you get to know everything you can about your potential client. (This is also called the “discovery process.”)
To be clear: the goal of the first call is not to sell them on your services.
Your goal is to be a detective. And to figure out what the biggest opportunities and problems are for your prospect.
Then you finish the call by letting your prospect know you want to take some time to figure out the best ways you can help them.
And you will follow-up to schedule another call soon to go over the ideas you come up with.
Also, Be Sure That The Client Understands Why They Will Benefit From Scheduling A Second Call With You
You can say something like:
“I want to make sure that I give you the absolute best ideas I can for helping you achieve [the goals the prospect just told you about on the discovery call].
So let me take a few days to review my notes and come up with a few ideas for how I can help. Then we can get on another call to go over what I come up with and decide how to proceed. Sound good?”

That way, the prospect sees why it’s in their best interest to invest more of their time in a second call.
And it will make them more likely to agree to the second call when you’re ready.
From there, you can take your time to come up with the proposal you want to offer this potential client.
(And if you want to find out more about how to create profitable proposals, check out this article. It reveals the proposal strategy I used to close my first $20,000 project.)
Then once you have your proposal, you can follow-up with your prospect to schedule the second call to review your suggestions.
(You shouldn’t have much trouble booking the second call at this point. Since by now, your prospect is already expecting — and maybe even anticipating — this call.)

On The Second Call, You Walk The Client Through Your Proposal and How It Will Help Them Achieve Their Goals — Before Revealing Your Pricing, Rates, Or Packages
Then you end the call by getting your client to agree to four key details…
Which I will reveal in a moment.
But before I do, you need to understand why the One-Two Punch is so effective. Especially for new freelancers.
The main benefit of using the One-Two Punch method is that you don’t have to come up with a proposal on the spot.
Because it takes a lot of skill and experience to come up with a proposal in real time while you’re on the phone with a prospect.
And that’s why a lot of freelancers wind up struggling to sign clients when they try to do it on their first call.
Plus in the heat of the moment, many freelancers also get scared and wind up seriously undercharging to avoid being rejected.
Which means, by ending the first call before you pitch your services, you eliminate all that pressure.
Instead, you can take your time after the call to come up with a proposal that you believe will help the client achieve their biggest goals. (Which you should have uncovered during the discovery call.)
And that means when the time comes to present your proposal, you’ll be much more calm and prepared compared to doing it on the fly.
At The Same Time, There Is A Risk That The Client Disappears Between The Two Calls When You Follow The One-Two Punch Method
But in my experience, most freelancers are better off taking that risk. Since it gives them time and space to think through their proposal before sharing it with their prospect.
However if you are a more experienced freelancer, then you may want to consider going through your whole sales process on a single call.
(Which I guess you could call the “Knock-Out Punch” method, if we’re going to stick with the boxing analogy.)
Since that eliminates the risk that the prospect disappears between the first and second call.
You just have to be confident that you can come up with your proposal and pricing in real time while you’re talking with a new potential client.
And like I said before, that’s not something I’d recommend to newer freelancers.
But Either Way, Whether You Follow The “One-Two Punch” Or “Knockout Punch” Method…
The ultimate goal of your sales process is to get your prospect to agree to the following four items — while they’re on the call with you:
- The deliverables and services you will provide.
- The timeline you will follow for the project.
- The fee you will charge for the work you do.
- The payment terms (like 50% to start and 50% later).
Because once the prospect agrees to those four items, you’re basically ready to start the project.
All you have to do from there is send them your contract and your invoice (which will include the four points above).
Then once they sign the contract and pay the invoice…
You’ll have a brand-new client on your roster and a hefty new payment in your bank account.
And you can get started on their work right away.
Now Let Me Show You How To Make Freelance Clients Come To You — Like Clockwork — Using A Simple, 30-Second Conversation…
All the details are inside my free business blueprint 30-Second Referrals.
With this free PDF, you’ll discover how to use a simple, 30-second conversation to get two referrals from every single client you sign. (I’ll even show you exactly what to say during this conversation with my word-for-word script on page 13.)
That way, you can make clients come to you like clockwork. And you can fill your pipeline with more new business than you can handle.
But there is a small catch…
30-Second Referrals is only available to members The Freelance Like A Pro email list.
So enter your best real email below to join us and claim your free copy of 30-Second Referrals now. (And you’ll get my members-only emails to help you run a more profitable and stress-free freelance business, too.)
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Thanks for the freelancing guide and the emails that you've been sending out — the 30-second referral method is so stupidly simple, that it's genius!
Connor Inch, Freelance Copywriter